Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog #1

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our White Pine Independent Novel Study Unit.Your first task is:
1) Post your initial reaction to your chosen novel. Give a general overview of what the novel is about so that people reading your blog will have some understanding of the characters, initial conflicts and topics within the story.

Some information that would be useful to your classmates would be:
a) What is going on as the novel begins?
b) What is the intial or first problem faced by the main character?
c) How does the author get you to read on or hold your interest?

2) At the end of your post, pose a question for your classmates to answer. The goal is to use this blog as a forum for on-line dialogue with your peers.

3) Review and re-read your post before you publish. You want to make sure that people who read it can understand what you are writing. If you are unsure about a sentence or your concluding question, ask Ms.Reesor for help

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